Keeping Fit in the New Year

Now that the holiday season has ended, many of us are left wondering how to keep our fitness goals on track and make this new year a healthier one. Whether you're looking for fun ways to stay active with friends and family or need some inspiring ideas to help keep yourself motivated in the gym, there is something here for everyone! In this blog post, we will discuss ways to ensure your exercise routine stays exciting and engaging so that you can reach your health and wellness goals throughout 2023. From simple tips like finding an accountability partner to more advanced steps like setting daily reminders - let's explore all the wonderful options available this year for keeping fit!


Having a workout partner can help to provide you with some valuable support to keep you feeling motivated and focused. While it’s great to complete a solo workout, exercising by yourself can get a little lonely at times and many find a workout partner can help to push your further and have more fun whilst getting in a fab workout!


Do you have an old bike in the garage? Get it out! Cycling has some fantastic health benefits, including increasing stamina, maintaining a healthy weight, and helping to improve lung capacity. It’s also an emission free, and free way to travel and a popular choice for people living in a metropolitan environment to get to and from places of work.


Setting daily reminders for your workouts can help to keep you on track and in a routine to meet your workout goals with ease. The reminders could either be time-based reminders where you are reminded to stretch for 5 minutes every hour, or it could be reminders to complete certain exercises every day. Every workout is an achievement, and you should be proud of every one!


Exercise classes are a great way to expand your knowledge of different exercise forms – whether that is trying out yoga or starting a weight-training class. It’s a great place to meet people on the same journey of you and you can build friendships and support groups from those you meet.


Did you know you can complete some exercises while you are sat down? These gentle exercises can be down at home and can help to improve your mobility and prevent falls. The NHS website outlines some different exercises you can try out, such as flexibility exercises, balance exercises and strength exercises.


All in all, it's important to keep in mind that the key to achieving consistency and maintaining a healthy lifestyle for the new year is to ensure that you are doing activities that you enjoy and don’t feel like a chore. Try changing up your routine from time to time so that you don't get bored. Find out which exercises suit your personality best and explore activities you haven't tried before. Don’t forget – proper rest is just as important as exercise, so make sure you get enough quality sleep every night. Finally, the most important part of this journey is to remember that each step towards reaching your goals should be celebrated! So go ahead and get going with the exercises you feel comfortable doing – every workout is an accomplishment and will bring you closer and closer each day to achieving a healthier version of yourself!





mhairi laughland